A Perk of Being Part of the DNA & Native Tech Whānau <3

Staff Loan Form

Use this form if you want to borrow equipment 

Please fill this out if you want anything taken out of our locked cabinet even if you are only using the gear onsite. This helps us keep track of where everything is. Please give us enough time to give you access (i.e. plan ahead).

Priority to classes/workshops, so please don't take anything if it is needed for a class, wait till after.
What are you using this equipment for?
Camera must come back by the close of business, tablet can be taken home overnight.
Camera must come back by the close of business, tablet can be taken home overnight.

By Submitting this Form

You are agreeing to be responsible for the safe return of our equipment in full working order.

When to use this form:

  • When you want to borrow something from the locked cabinet
  • When you want to take gear offsite